Life’s Milestones
This is my view this week as I sit at the beach with my family. This beach time gives me time to reflect on life. Milestones I think you could say. For the younger folks, your milestones would be getting your driver’s license, graduating from high school and then maybe college. For some, it may be entering the workforce, getting your first apartment, buying your first car and paying your first bills. For us more seasoned folks, our milestones are watching you go through all your milestones plus our own. Ours are now, helping you move out of the house, cosigning for your loans, helping to establish your first budget and having bridal or baby showers for our babies. For those, just a little older, you have been through most of these and now your milestone is looking forward to retirement, traveling and waiting for grandbabies to come along.
Believe me when I say, these stages go fast and are gone in a blink of an eye. I can remember having my children and waiting for them to crawl, then walk, get out of diapers and eat on their own. When you are going through it sometimes it feels like it will never end. But it does, only to move on to the next stage. Does it get easier, yes and no but more than anything it just gets different. Different problems, different expectations and different challenges.
Being the retail manager, I get the unique experience of watching some of these milestones happen before my eyes. Babies who are now young kids coming in on field trips and young kids turning into teenagers looking for their first job. I also get to see single people get married, newlyweds expecting their first baby and parents experiencing empty nests. Along the way, I get asked do you have a gourd for…. Or what would you suggest for….
I usually will walk through the store with them pointing out gourds that people have told me they have bought for those milestones or ones that we created just for an occasion. So, if you know you have a milestone coming up or know someone who does, I have some suggestions for you. Okay, let’s start with adding to your family. Our adorable chicks and ducks make a great nightlight for nurseries or some have open bellies to put small items such as nail clippers, combs, trial sizes of shampoo or medicine. The things new parents might not think of but in the middle of the night will be glad to have. For wedding gifts, I’ve seen our Gourd Wine Silhouettes get paired with a nice bottle of the couple ‘s favorite brand or our Gourd Cottages as the happy couple starts a new life together. New homeowners are easy, Gourd Birdhouses for the yard and pretty Lanterns to adorn a new mantle. Our new Katie the Cat or Max the Dog make a great gift for new pet owners or for someone who has just lost a fur baby. Have someone who loves the new farmhouse country home decor, just look at all the new farm animals.
As you can see, we have you covered for almost every milestone that comes along this crazy adventure we call life. So, whether you are hitting new milestones or someone you love is, look at our website or come and visit us in Carlisle, PA for that special and unique gift.