April at Meadowbrooke
Well, we thought spring was coming. Saturday really felt like spring hitting temperatures in the 70s only to be slammed on Sunday with plummeting temperatures and a fierce wind that howled through the store. A few times this weekend, the front door slammed so hard from the wind, I truly thought the glass was going to break.
While the sun was shining and the winds were blowing this past weekend, we were busy helping customers craft their own gourds at our Spring Create Your Own. For those that were new this year, thank you for coming out and welcome to this crazy gourd crafting family. For our experienced friends, we would like to thank you for helping the newbies and for your continued gourd addiction. We will be holding our second weekend of the Create Your Own this weekend. If you were not able to get a seat for this event but you are still interested in creating your own spring gourd, please come and check out our Crafter’s Corner which is stocked with kits for Spring. Many are the same projects offered in the Create Your Own. You can pick out a gourd, prices range from $14.00-$32.00, along with all the accessories to take home, paint, stain, glue and make completely yours.

Also starting this weekend, is our Spring Sale which is 25% off all regular All Season and Spring Meadowbrooke Gourds. The sale runs from April 6 to April 12. We will also be offering public Gourd Plant tours from April 8 to April 12 at 2:00pm each day. There is no cost for the tour and no reservations are needed. If you have family in for the holiday, stop out for the sale and take a unique, up close view of how we craft our gourds.
It is also not too late to purchase your Best Kept Secret Tour tickets. Each ticket is $10.00, and I have plenty in stock. The tour is from April 18th to May 4th. I’ve bought mine and there are some really neat places to visit and activities to take part of. If you would like more information on this tour, please visit their website at https://bestkeptsecretstour.com/cumberland-county.
We would like to thank you for all your heartfelt comments, sentiments, thoughts and prayers we received with the passing of Shawn. It is amazing how many hearts he touched and what he meant to not only us but also all of you.
Until next month, Dori