2020 at a Glance

Happy New Year’s Day and welcome to 2020! We are very excited about this year, in case you missed it, we are celebrating 25 Years of crafting smiles! We are already planning and preparing for the sales, events and workshops that we have done in the past but we have also been brainstorming about some new and exciting things that as of right now are just thoughts and ideas.

January New Arrivals


With the beginning of January comes a New Arrival. A New Arrival is debuted at the beginning of each month and can be a totally new product that is being introduced or it can be a product or products that will only be here for a short time and these are usually limited. For this month, we have several products for Valentine’s Day and they are limited both in number and time available. What says I love you more than a beautiful red gourd that says Love. The adorable white bear with her pink bow and hearts in her belly can be lit with a battery operated tea light. Add a few pieces of your loved ones favorite candy to our two little baskets with their pretty little berries and you instantly have the best Valentine’s Day gift. Since I know that most of the people reading this are women, here is a link you can send to your significant other just as a hint.( https://mbgourds.com/shop/category/valentine-gourd-family/).Men, if you are reading this, could I be any clearer – your significant other would love one (or all) of these.

Need Your Input

In the next couple of weeks, we will be listing on our website, classes that we will be holding in January and February. We are always looking for new designs and ideas to offer. This is where you come in, we need your input. We’d like to know what kind of classes you are looking for, what are good times for you to come to classes and if you have taught gourd classes before, would you be interested in sharing your talents with our customers? If you have any ideas or thoughts, please email me at dorih@mbgourds.com.

So here is what we have for 2020 as far as events and Create Your Owns. Please mark your calendars now!

- March 21, 22, 28 & 29 Spring Create Your Own
- March 28-April 4 Spring Sale – 25% off regular All Season and Spring Meadowbrooke Gourds
- March 30-April 3 Spring Tours held each day at 2:00pm
- April 25 Egg Hunt
- July 18 Summer Celebration
- September 26-27 Sunflower Festival
- October 2-4 & 9-11 Fall Create Your Own
- October 10-17 Fall Sale – 25% off regular Fall Meadowbrooke
- October 12-16 Fall Tours held each day at 2:00pm
- November 27 Black Friday – 25% off everything in our retail store
- December 4-6 & 11-13 Winter Create Your Own
- December 26-30 Winter Sale – 25% off regular Meadowbrooke
- December 28-30 Winter Tours held each day at 2:00pm

As I mentioned before, we are hoping to add to this list throughout the year so make sure you keep up to date with everything and to get more details by signing up for our newsletter at www.mbgourds.com/newsletter.

Until next month,